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SCARA robot


With three or four axes for reliable work in the laboratory

The SCARA robots from igus are available with three- or four-axis kinematics and therefore offer you the advantage of choosing between different sizes for the work area. The robots are available with compatible control hardware as a control cabinet or top-hat (DIN) rail version. A typical area of application for SCARA robots is pick-and-place tasks in laboratory applications.
  • Plug-and-play control hardware including free software
  • Three sizes, with or without cladding
  • Short delivery times
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igus® SCARA tech facts


Up to 2kg payload


Up to 560 x 500mm reach


Up to four degrees of freedom


Speed max. 25 picks/min


Repeatability: ± 0.5mm


Protection class IP45

igus robot control

The free-of-cost and license-free software

The drylin® SCARA robot is compatible with the igus® Robot Control system. You can download and try out the associated software free of charge in advance. It's easy to program your SCARA robot solution.
More about igus Robot Control
SCARA software

SCARAs in action

Current igus SCARA models

Low Cost Automation shop

Cost-effective robotics for your automation project

Discover our SCARA robots and many other types of robots in our online shop - the place for cost-effective robotics.
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Termíny "Apiro", "AutoChain", "CFRIP", "chainflex", "chainge", "řetězy pro jeřáby", "ConProtect", "cradle-chain", "CTD", "drygear", "drylin", "dryspin", "dry-tech", "dryway", "easy chain", "e-chain", "e-chain systems", quot;e-ketten", "e-kettensysteme", "e-loop", "energy chain", "energy chain systems", "enjoyneering", "e-skin", "e-spool", "fixflex", "flizz", "i.Cee", "ibow", "igear", "iglidur", "igubal", "igumid", "igus", "igus zlepšuje, co se hýbe", 73quot;igus:", "igusGO", "igutex", "iguverse", "iguversum", "kineKIT", "kopla", "manus", "motion plastics", "motion polymers", "motionary", "plasty pro delší životnost", "print2mold", "Rawbot", "RBTX", "readycable", "readychain", "ReBeL" , "ReCyycle", "reguse", "robolink", "Rohbot", "savfe", "speedigus", "superwise", "take the dryway", "tribofilament", "tribotape", "triflex", "twisterchain", "když se hýbe, igus zlepšuje", "xirodur", "xiros" a "ano" jsou zákonem chráněné ochranné známky společnosti igus® GmbH/kolín nad Rýnem ve Spolkové republice Německo a případně v některých zahraničních zemích. Jedná se o neúplný seznam ochranných známek (např. přihlášky ochranných známek nebo registrované ochranné známky) společnosti igus GmbH nebo přidružených společností igus v Německu, Evropské unii, USA a/nebo jiných zemích či jurisdikcích.

Společnost igus® GmbH upozorňuje na to, že neprodává žádné produkty společností Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM, Parker, Bosch Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber ani žádných jiných výrobců pohonů uvedených na tomto webu. Produkty nabízené společností igus® jsou stejné jako produkty společnosti igus® GmbH